Days at home after traumatic brain injury
Malhotra AK, Nathens AB, Shakil H, Jaffe RH, Essa A, Mathieu F, Badhiwala J, Yuan E, Thorpe K, Kulkarni AV, Witiw CD, Wilson JR. Neurology. 2024; 103:e209904.
ICES has been located at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre since it opened in 1992.
Recognizing the importance of partnerships in achieving positive change, ICES has assembled a diverse network of stakeholders, associate scientists and representatives of provincial, national and international healthcare organizations to collaborate on research initiatives.
This active involvement in external relations and stakeholder participation has created a forum for research excellence, policy debate and effective, sustainable change, while also expanding the capacity for research in Canada.
Over the years, ICES has strengthened its long-term relationships, while forging new alliances to support emerging areas of research.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Muhammad Mamdani by CDA. The medal marks the 35th anniversary of CDA. These 10 medals recognize individuals whose commitment and dedication have helped maintain health technology assessment as a vital component of Canada’s health systems.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Mina Tadrous by CDA. The award recognizes rising stars in HTA who, as their careers develop, have the potential to be leaders in the field.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Natasha Saunders by the Canadian Paediatric Society. The award honours individuals or organizations who have made outstanding contributions to Canada’s children and youth at the local, provincial, or national level.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Lauren Lapointe-Shaw for her article Virtual visits with own family physician vs outside family physician and emergency department use published in JAMA Netw Open. The award recognizes ground-breaking health services and policy research (HSPR) that has significantly contributed to the field of HSPR in Canada.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Andrea Gershon. The award recognizes an individual who has made outstanding scientific contributions in research methodologies that can be applied to lung diseases, critical illness, or sleep disorders.
2023: Dr. Peter Austin was selected by Clarivate Analytics as one the most highly cited researchers of 2023. In 2023, 7,125, or 0.1%, of the world’s researchers earned this distinction. This is the ninth consecutive year for Dr. Austin to be honoured.
2022: Dr. Frank Silver appointed to Order of Ontario for his work on stroke care and the development of the Ontario Telestroke Program. Read more.
The Foundation awarded $42,500 to Dr. Ivers to study physician burnout. Dr. Ivers work will look at training family physicians to act as peer guides for their colleagues to help them address practice issues.
2023: Awarded to Dr. Robert Grant by AMS for the project “Using artificial intelligence to prevent blood clots in cancer patients.”
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