Processes of obstetrical care and outcomes among Ontario physicians versus non-physicians: a population-based study
Simpson AN, Sutradhar R, McArthur E, Cusimano MC, Baxter NN. BMJ Open. 2024; 14(12):e091312.
ICES Western launched in December 2012 as a collaborative initiative of the Lawson Health Research Institute, Western University, London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Healthcare London to foster partnerships between researchers, healthcare providers, patients and healthcare administrators.
Site Director: Kristin Clemens
Associate Director: Salimah Shariff
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2024-28: Awarded to Dr. Danielle Nash by CIHR-IHSPR. The award enables Dr. Nash to collaborate with the Ontario Renal Network to conduct research focusing on improving the quality of care for patients living with chronic kidney disease and to advance the Ontario Renal Network’s learning health system.
2023: Awarded to Dr. Maria Mathews for the project “Enhancing health equity through primary health-care research.” Read more
2023: Awarded to Dr. Kristin Clemens by the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. Dr. Clemens is the recipient of the 2023 Dean's Award of Excellence for early career faculty in research and innovation.
2022: Awarded to Dr. Bridget Ryan by AMS Healthcare in partnership with the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit. Read more.
2021: Awarded to Dr. Amit Garg by Western University. The prize is the university’s highest distinction for sustained excellence in research.
2020: Dr. Kelly Anderson named Canada Research Chair in Public Mental Health Research.
2019: Awarded to Dr. Flory Muanda.
2019: Awarded to Dr. Bridget Ryan as part of the team for the article "Patients’ perceptions of access to primary care: analysis of the QUALICOPC Patient Experiences Survey"
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