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ICES Scientists have a successful track record of peer-reviewed research grant awards. Browse our recent ICES Scientists grant highlights below.


Stroke in Women: Growing Opportunities to Realize optimal Evaluation, Diagnosis, and outcomes (StrokeGoRed)

Granting Agency
Principal Investigators
Yu A, Boulos M, Coutts S, Ganesh A, Kamal N, Kapral M, MacDonald S, MacIntosh B, Quigley A, Rudzicz F, Tang A, Zhou L
Austin P, Donkers S, Dunlop M, Duong P, Fleet J, Hart M, Hill M, Holodinsky J, Honfo S, Journeay W, Kim D, Li L, Li N, Ma J, Marzolini S, Munce S, Pikula A, Pollock C, Pooyania S, Poppe A, Sakakibara B, Singh N, Sutherland J, Teasell R, Tkach A, Vyas M, Wiley E
Grant Type
Grant Amount

RAre Disease Administrative Data Research (RADAR) Team: Putting the health system impact of rare diseases on the radar

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Marshall D, Baribeau D
Grant Type
Team Grant
Grant Amount

Maternal attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (m-ADHD): Obstetrical, neonatal, infant and maternal psychiatric outcomes

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Vigod S, Brown HK, Zipursky J
Barker L, Clark C, Cohen E, Dennis C-L, Gomes T, Maxwell C, Ray JG, Saunders N, Toulany A
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Changing primary care capacity in Canada (4C): A cross-provincial mixed methods study to inform workforce planning

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Lavergne R, Rudoler D, Grudniewicz A, Hedden L, Easley J, McDonald T, Saure A
Martin-Misener R, Piccinini H, Shiplett H, Patrick J, Katz A, Scott I, McCracken R, Wilson E, Nethery E
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Potential impact and cost-effectiveness of emerging RSV immunization strategies: Advancing analytical methods for integrating spatio-demographic and equity considerations into evaluations

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Fitzpatrick T
Sander B, Pernica J, Tuite A, Iragorri N, Warshafsky D
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Clinical translation of a genetic diagnosis for mental health in autism: Linking health administrative and genomic data

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Baribeau D
Anagnostou E, Kushki A, Trost B, Scherer S, Bronskill B, Vigod S, Brooks J
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

SOdium gLucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) to PreVEnt Heart Failure (SOLVE-HF): A pilot RCT

Granting Agency
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Principal Investigators
Odutayo A
Vaduganathan M, Abdel-Qadir H, Ross H, Lee DS, Solomon S
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Predicting readmission outcomes using biostatistical evaluation and machine learning (PROBE ML)

Granting Agency
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Principal Investigators
Lee DS
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

JUdicious Surveillance for Trastuzumab Induced Cardiotoxicity in the First Year (JUSTIFY)

Granting Agency
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Principal Investigators
Abdel-Qadir H
Amir E, Wijeysundera H, Chan K, Nadler M, Ostaphan N, Thavendiranathan P, Connelly K, Doumouras B, Yared K, Paterson I, Sadreddini M, Calvillo-Arguelles O, Brezden-Masley C, Lee R, Jerzak K, Savard M-F, Aseyev O, Mittal A, Tomlinson G, Fan S, Bhatia S, Dent S, Yu A, Cheung C
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Depression and Suicide After Stroke (DASAS)

Granting Agency
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Principal Investigators
Vyas M
Yu AYX, Saposnik G, Austin PC, Fischer C, de Oliveira C, Bhat V, Lipson D
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount