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Treating Complex Perianal Fistulas in Ontario



Client: IQVIA Solutions Canada Inc.

Project ID: P2017-029 / 2020 0970 170 000

Research Question/Objectives: Complex perianal fistulas (CPAF) are a complication for people living with Crohn’s disease. Historically, perianal fistulizing Crohn’s disease has been difficult to treat with currently available therapies and often leads to pain, swelling, infection and incontinence. In general, existing therapies are limited and associated with complications and a high failure rate. The ability to identify patients with a CPAF in administrative databases has never been established. The objective of the current research project is to estimate the surgical recurrence that receive CPAF surgical and project team interested to evaluate the treatment patterns of perianal fistula.

Research objectives:

  • Estimate the surgical recurrence rate over a 5-year period for patients that receive a CPAF surgical in Ontario hospitals.
  • Describe the treatment patterns of complex perianal fistulas in Ontario.
  • What is the most accurate diagnosis code to identify and study patients with a CPAF in administrative databases?


  • January 2021


Project ID

P2017-029 / 2020 0970 170 000