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Epidemiology and Cost of Hypoparathyroidism



Client: imshealth | brogan

Project ID: P2016-009 / 2017 0970 081 000

Research Question/Objectives: Hypoparathyroidism is a rare disease as noted by NORD and typically is caused by damage to the parathyroid during head and neck surgery. Treatment is chronic and consists of vitamin D and calcium supplements. In contrast to hyperparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism is not well studied, and only five prevalence studies have been published outside of Canada. This study aims to understand the epidemiology and burden of hypoparathyroidism in Ontario. Specifically, the research questions of interest are:

  • What is the prevalence, incidence, and burden of illness of hypoparathyroidism in Ontario?
  • What treatments are received by hypoparathyroidism patients in Ontario?
  • What are the costs and resource utilization of Ontarians with hypoparathyroidism?



Project ID

P2016-009/2017 0970 081 000