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Length of postpartum hospital stays during COVID-19: findings from a convergent parallel mixed-methods study


Objectives — We examined the length of postpartum hospitalization for live births during the COVID-19 pandemic and explored how pandemic circumstances influenced postpartum hospital experiences.

Methods — We conducted a cross-provincial, convergent parallel mixed-methods study in Ontario (ON) and British Columbia (BC), Canada. We included birthing persons (BPs) with an in-hospital birth in ON from 1 January to 31 March 2019, 2021, and 2022 (quantitative), and BPs (≥18 years) in ON or BC from 1 May 2020 to 1 December 2021 (qualitative). We linked multiple health administrative datasets at ICES and developed multivariable linear regression models to examine the length of hospital stay (quantitative). We conducted semi-structured interviews using qualitative descriptive to understand experiences of postpartum hospitalization (qualitative). Data integration occurred during design and interpretation.

Results — Relative to 2019, postpartum hospital stays decreased significantly by 3.29 hours (95% CI –3.58 to –2.99; 9.2% reduction) in 2021 and 3.89 hours (95% CI –4.17 to –3.60; 9.0% reduction) in 2022. After adjustment, factors associated with shortened stays included: giving birth during COVID-19, social deprivation (more ethnocultural diversity), midwifery care, multiparity, and lower newborn birth weight. Postpartum hospital experiences were impacted by risk perception of COVID-19 infection, clinical care and hospital services/amenities, visitor policies, and duration of stay.

Conclusions — Length of postpartum hospital stays decreased during COVID-19, and qualitative findings described unmet needs for postpartum services. The integration of large administrative and interview data expanded our understanding of observed differences. Future research should investigate the impacts of shortened stays on health service outcomes and personal experiences.



Correia RH, Greyson D, Carruthers A, Kuyvenhoven C, Kirkwood D, Jones A, Howard M, Darling E, Davis A, McDonald SD, Mniszak C, Kandasamy S, Vanstone M. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2024; 46(10):102637.

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