Dr. Maurice McGregor Award for a Rising Star in Health Technology Assessment
2024: Awarded to Dr. Mina Tadrous by CDA. The award recognizes rising stars in HTA who, as their careers develop, have the potential to be leaders in the field.
ICES brings together the best and brightest scientific talent. Many of our scientists are internationally recognized in their fields and receive national and international awards and recognition for their important work.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Mina Tadrous by CDA. The award recognizes rising stars in HTA who, as their careers develop, have the potential to be leaders in the field.
2024-28: Awarded to Dr. Danielle Nash by CIHR-IHSPR. The award enables Dr. Nash to collaborate with the Ontario Renal Network to conduct research focusing on improving the quality of care for patients living with chronic kidney disease and to advance the Ontario Renal Network’s learning health system.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Natasha Saunders by the Canadian Paediatric Society. The award honours individuals or organizations who have made outstanding contributions to Canada’s children and youth at the local, provincial, or national level.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Lauren Lapointe-Shaw for her article Virtual visits with own family physician vs outside family physician and emergency department use published in JAMA Netw Open. The award recognizes ground-breaking health services and policy research (HSPR) that has significantly contributed to the field of HSPR in Canada.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Andrea Gershon. The award recognizes an individual who has made outstanding scientific contributions in research methodologies that can be applied to lung diseases, critical illness, or sleep disorders.
2024: Awarded to Dr. Daniel Myran. The research goal is to examine the health consequences of substance use including an in-depth examination of the health impact of alcohol and drug policy in Canada.
2023: Dr. Peter Austin was selected by Clarivate Analytics as one the most highly cited researchers of 2023. In 2023, 7,125, or 0.1%, of the world’s researchers earned this distinction. This is the ninth consecutive year for Dr. Austin to be honoured.
2022: Dr. Frank Silver appointed to Order of Ontario for his work on stroke care and the development of the Ontario Telestroke Program. Read more.
2023: Awarded to Dr. Paul Kurdyak by the University of Toronto’s Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. The award recognizes leadership in bringing measurable positive change, using innovative methods for change and motivating others to improve the health system.
2023: Awarded to Dr. Maria Mathews for the project “Enhancing health equity through primary health-care research.” Read more