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Assumptions, absences, and adventures in peer review


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When: Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 12–1 p.m.

Where: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96157872297, Meeting ID: 961 5787 2297. Meeting password: 818247

Who: Ayelet Kuper, MD DPhil FRCPC (She/Her); Scientist and Associate Director, Wilson Centre for Research in Education, University Health Network/University of Toronto; Staff Physician, Division of GIM, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

Topic: Assumptions, absences, and adventures in peer review

Learning objectives

  1. Problematize the interplay between the current peer review system and research innovation.
  2. Reflect on the assumptions that play into the various forms of research we conduct within the academic medical research community.
  3. Enjoy some academic war stories and perhaps share some of your own.
Ayelet Kuper

Ayelet Kuper


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