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Long-term Outcomes Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Population-based Study of Clinical Factors in Traumatic Brain Injury Prognostication



Project ID: 2021-904 / TRIM 2023 0970 320 000

Principle Investigator: Jefferson Wilson

Description: The purpose of this project is to: (1) examine long term (minimum > 6 month) outcomes following traumatic brain injury. (2) utilize a population-based traumatic brain injury registry to assess epidemiological, demographic, clinical and radiographic factors influencing outcome trajectories of patients with mild, moderate, and severe traumatic brain injuries. (3) identify patient and provider characteristics associated with poor long-term outcomes following traumatic brain injury in Ontario.

PIA Approved: October 6, 2022


Project ID

2021-904 / TRIM 2023 0970 320 000