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Understanding the burden of illness in patients with chronic and episodic migraine in Ontario, Canada

Client: IQVIA Solutions Canada Inc.
Project ID: P2021-104 / 2023 0970 322 000

Research Question/Objectives: Migraine is a common neurological disease caused due to activation of the trigeminovascular system (TGVS) in the brain. Migraine was identified as being the 2nd leading cause of disability globally after low back pain. The overall migraine prevalence in the Canadian population was reported as 8.3% (2.7 million), in 2010/2011. As per the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3), migraine can be classified into various subtypes, including episodic and chronic migraines (CM). There are acute and preventive treatments available for migraines. While acute treatment reverses the attack, preventive treatments are used to reduce severity and frequency of attacks in patients with severe migraine. Preventive medication helps in decreasing the overall cost burden and healthcare utilization associated with the migraine attack.

Research objectives:

  • Compare HCRU and cost of EM and CM patients using preventive medications with their respective matched non-migraine controls.
  • Describe HCRU and cost of EM and CM patients based on number of preventive medication classes they cycle through.
  • Describe HCRU and cost of EM and CM patients using preventive medications that are optimally managed vs. those that are sub-optimally managed.


  • In progress