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Sociodemographic determinants and healthcare utilization in Ontario Shores hospital patient population

Project ID: 2018-017/2018 0950 038 000
Type of Response: Research project
Knowledge User: Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
ICES Scientist: Laura Rosella
Summary: Ontario Shores requests data to identify the characteristics of the hospital’s patient population and help it develop population health and/or early intervention strategies to alleviate health morbidity costs. Characteristics requested by the knowledge user include immigrant status of patients, types of providers/services they have accessed, patterns of prescription fill rates, emergency department usage rates and rates of mental health diagnosis. On a larger scale, the prevalence of mental illness and addiction is expected to grow, and this research was proposed to provide evidence for the development a five-year road map that will advance the mental health of the Central East LHIN population while reducing costs. 
Status: Completed