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Impact of a hospital discharge e-notification program on physician follow-up and unplanned readmission: a time series analysis



Project ID: 2018-013/2019 0950 040 000
Type of Response: Research project
Knowledge User: OntarioMD
ICES Scientist: Michael Paterson
Summary: eNotifications delivered by OntarioMD provide primary care providers with information about their patients’ admission to or discharge from hospital. OntarioMD is interested in learning if there is a connection between the implementation of eNotifications and a decline in readmission rates to hospital emergency departments. Using indicators such as OHIP number, primary care provider and hospital identifier, research evidence gathered from this request will potentially impact future provincial planning regarding eNotifications and may increase the program’s uptake in hospitals should it demonstrate effectiveness.
Status: Completed


Project ID

2018-013/2019 0950 040 000 

Contributing ICES Scientists