Project ID: 2021-036 / 2023 0950 134 000
Type of Response: Research project
Knowledge User: University Health Network
ICES Scientists: Beate Sander, Maria Koh
Summary: The current CORE model is extensively used by provincial and regional planning via the Critical Care Table, Ontario Health, Public Health Ontario, the Ministry of Health and the Premier's office. Supporting stakeholders with timely evidence has a direct and immediate impact on their decision-making and Ontarians in the short-and long-term. Aggressive public health measures, such as physical distancing, and stopping elective clinical services is necessary and justifiable in the short term, but it comes at a cost, including increased morbidity and mortality in non-COVID-19 patients and worsening inequities. Our work will dynamically assess policy options throughout the pandemic, which is fundamental for informing the next phases and planning for future pandemics.
Status: On hold