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The impact of COVID-19 on outpatient antibiotic prescriptions in Ontario, Canada; an interrupted time series analysis


Background — The COVID-19 pandemic has potentially impacted outpatient antibiotic prescribing. Investigating this impact may identify stewardship opportunities in the ongoing COVID-19 period and beyond.

Methods — We conducted an interrupted time series analysis on outpatient antibiotic prescriptions and antibiotic prescriptions/patient visits in Ontario, Canada between January 2017 and December 2020 to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on population-level antibiotic prescribing by prescriber’s specialty, patient demographics and conditions.

Results — In the evaluated COVID-19 period (March-December 2020), there was a 31.2% [95% CI: 27.0%–35.1%] relative reduction in total antibiotic prescriptions. Total outpatient antibiotic prescriptions decreased during the COVID-19 period by 37.1% [32.5%–41.3%] among family physicians, 30.7% [25.8%–35.2%] among sub-specialist physicians, 12.1% [4.4%–19.2%] among dentists and 25.7% [21.4%–29.8%] among other prescribers. Antibiotics indicated for respiratory infections decreased by 43.7% [38.4–48.6%]. Total patient visits and visits for respiratory infections decreased by 10.7% [5.4%–15.6%] and 49.9% [43.1%%–55.9%]). Total antibiotic prescriptions/1,000 visits decreased by 27.5% [21.5%–33.0%], while antibiotics indicated for respiratory infections/1,000 visits with respiratory infections only decreased by 6.8% [2.7%–10.8%].

Conclusion — The reduction in outpatient antibiotic prescribing during the COVID-19 pandemic was driven by less antibiotic prescribing for respiratory indications and largely explained by decreased visits for respiratory infections.



Kitano T, Brown KA, Daneman N, MacFadden DR, Langford BJ, Leung V, So M, Leung E, Burrows L, Manuel D, Bowdish DME, Maxwell CJ, Bronskill SE, Brooks JI, Schwartz KL. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021; 8(11):ofab533. Epub 2021 Oct 30.

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