Dr. Colantonio is a professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy with cross appointments in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the Graduate Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, and holds a CIHR Chair in Gender, Work and Health. Dr. Colantonio is also a senior scientist at the KITE Research Institute at University Health Network. She received her PhD in epidemiology and public health from Yale University, and an MSc in community health and a BSc in occupational therapy from the University of Toronto. Dr. Colantonio is a Fellow of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American College of Epidemiology. She leads an internationally recognized program of research on acquired brain injury (ABI) that includes examination of ABI in the population targeting injury prevention and post-acute care with a special focus on vulnerable populations. Other areas of Dr. Colantonio's research program include long term outcomes, sex- and gender-related issues, and innovative approaches to intervention, such as the use of theatre as a knowledge mobilization strategy.