Graham Farquaharson Knowledge Translation Fellowship
2022: Awarded to Dr. Imaan Bayoumi by the PSI Foundation. This fellowship provides salary support for a new investigator who has demonstrated the ability to successfully complete high impact knowledge translation research. Read more.
Kingston Health Sciences Centre Exceptional Healer Award
2018: Awarded to Dr. Maria Velez. The award honours health professionals who are innovative in their approaches to patient care and who consistently demonstrate patient and family-centred care in their practice by being approachable, empathetic, collaborative and respectful. Read more.
Clinical, Translational, and Outcomes Research Award
2018: Awarded to Dr. Jennifer Flemming by the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease for "The Epidemiology, Natural History, and Healthcare Utilization of Young Adults with Cirrhosis – ENHAnCe Study."
Health System Impact Fellowship
2017-2019: Awarded to Dr. Morgan Slater by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the project "Managing chronic pain in primary care – linking clinical and administrative data to identify opportunities for quality improvement."
Medical Staff Association Outstanding Clinician of the Year Award
2017: Awarded to Dr. Chris Simpson by the Hotel Dieu Hospital and Kingston General Hospital's Medical Staff Association. This award honours medical staff members in good standing with five or more years of service who demonstrate outstanding contributions to the medical community.
University of New South Wales, Southwest Sydney Clinical School Paper of the Year
2016: Awarded to Dr. Timothy Hanna for "Estimating the demand for radiotherapy from the evidence: a review of changes from 2003 to 2012".
Canadian Melanoma Conference Top Oral Abstract Research Excellence Award
2016: Awarded to Dr. Timothy Hanna.