Please join us …
When: Tuesday, May 31, 2016, 12–1 p.m.
Where: ICES, G-Wing, Conference Centre (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre)
Who: Dr. Joel Ray, MD, MSc, FRCPC; Clinician-Scientist, St. Michael’s Hospital.
Topic: We can reduce alcohol-related injury (a geo-spatial nightmare made into a dream, without using ICES data)
Learning objectives
- Determine risk of EMS ambulance calls in association with density of on-premise licensed alcohol establishments.
- Evaluate EMS ambulance calls that are medical-related vs. for trauma.
-Focus on assault
-By the type of licensed alcohol establishments (e.g., bars vs. restaurants)
-By time of the EMS call
-By co-presence of a tobacco sales vendor licensee at same location as the licensed alcohol establishments.
Joel Ray