The impact of language on healthcare outcomes: a program of research on linguistic minorities in Ontario
Please join us …
When: Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 12–1 p.m.
Where: Join Zoom Meeting, Meeting ID: 860 4463 3057. Meeting password: 112233
Who: Dr. Peter Tanuseputro, MD, MHSc, CCFP, FRCPC; Associate Professor, Division of Palliative Care, Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Topic: The impact of language on healthcare outcomes: a program of research on linguistic minorities in Ontario
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about the data sources at ICES that can capture the language spoken by patients and physicians.
- Examine differences in healthcare delivery and outcomes of Francophones and allophones in Ontario.
- Investigate the impact of language concordance on health outcomes.
Peter Tanuseputro