Postpartum emergency department use comparing midwifery care vs. obstetrical care: a propensity-score matched cohort study
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When: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 12–1 p.m.
Where: Join Zoom Meeting, Meeting ID: 987 665 664. Meeting password: 816765
Who: Carla Sorbara, RM, MPP (Health Policy)
Topic: Postpartum emergency department use comparing midwifery care vs. obstetrical care: a propensity-score matched cohort study
Learning objectives
- Describe the current evidence on postpartum patient visits to the Emergency Department (ED)
- Examine an analysis plan for determining the effect of midwifery care on postpartum ED visits
- Discuss an analysis plan for looking at subgroups within the postpartum patient population, and comparing ED visits amongst them
Carla Sorbara