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Postpartum emergency department use comparing midwifery care vs. obstetrical care: a propensity-score matched cohort study


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When: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 12–1 p.m.

Where: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/987665664, Meeting ID: 987 665 664. Meeting password: 816765

Who: Carla Sorbara, RM, MPP (Health Policy)

Topic: Postpartum emergency department use comparing midwifery care vs. obstetrical care: a propensity-score matched cohort study

Learning objectives

  1. Describe the current evidence on postpartum patient visits to the Emergency Department (ED)
  2. Examine an analysis plan for determining the effect of midwifery care on postpartum ED visits
  3. Discuss an analysis plan for looking at subgroups within the postpartum patient population, and comparing ED visits amongst them
Carla Sorbara

Carla Sorbara


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