New ICES satellite site launches at Health Sciences North in Sudbury
ICES’ sixth and final satellite site opened today at the Health Sciences North Research Institute (HSNRI). ICES North is a joint collaboration between ICES, HSNRI, Laurentian University and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.
“Through our network of satellite sites, ICES’ vision to create a province-wide community of research, data and health-system experts in partnership with many of Ontario’s leading health institutes and universities has become a reality. This vision could never have been complete until ICES was present in the North, enabling high-quality, locally informed research and training to benefit the people of the North and all of Ontario. By engaging with local scientists and trainees and harnessing the expertise and local knowledge available in the North, our partnership will contribute to the effectiveness, quality, equity and efficiency of healthcare and health services for all Ontarians,” says Dr. Michael Schull, CEO of ICES.
Working side by side with ICES North data analysts, local researchers will be able to answer important questions about the health of northern populations that previously could only be done in Southern Ontario. In the past, scientists had to leave Sudbury to conduct research at ICES Central in Toronto. Now, that research can happen in Sudbury with the help of the ICES North team.
This project came together with funds from FedNor, the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation and the Greater Sudbury Development Corporation in the fall of 2017.
Michael Schull speaks at opening of ICES North
Michael Conlon, Site Director, ICES North
(L to R) Dominic Giroux, CEO, HSNRI; Paul Lefebvre, Member of Parliament, Sudbury; Dr. David Marsh, Professor, Clinical Sciences, NOSM; Dr. Janet McElhaney, Vice President, Research, and Scientific Director, HSNRI; Nicole Everest, Board Chair, HSNRI; Dr Jennifer Walker, Canada Research Chair, Laurentian University; Roger Strasser, Dean and CEO, NOSM; Dr. Mike Conlon, Site Director, ICES North; Liesel Franklin, Business Development Officer, GSDC; Dr. Michael Schull, CEO, ICES.