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Clinicopathological characteristics that influence prognosis of men with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer treated with Radium223



Project ID: 2022-1022/ TRIM 2024 0970 360 000

Principle Investigator: Lorin Dobiba

Description: “The project team wishes to determine the clinicopathological properties that make radium223 treatment in patients with metastatic prostate cancer more effective and tolerable. The study seeks to determine which pre-treatment clinicopathological factors predict better survival in men with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) treated with radium223. Objectives include: 1. Determine which pre-treatment clinicopathological factors are correlated with better overall survival in patients treated with radium223. 2. Determine which pre-treatment clinicopathological factors are linked to receiving over four cycles of Radium223 treatment. 3. Validate and develop a scoring system that can be used to help predict which patient will benefit from radium223 treatment.”

PIA approved: September 15, 2023

Status: In progress


Project ID

2022-1022/ TRIM 2024 0970 360 000