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Opioid deprescribing of residents of LTC homes



Project ID: 2020-027/2021 0800 304 000
Type of Response: Research project
Knowledge User: Providence Manor and Providence Care Hospital
ICES Scientists: Joan Tranmer, Lesley Plumptre
Summary: As part of this Knowledge User’s commitment to better understanding opioid deprescribing in long-term care homes, this research project will fill a critical gap of research in the area of polypharmacy, which is the prescribing of more medications than needed, and help to develop guidance for long-term healthcare providers for dose reduction or elimination. The Knowledge User will further use the evidence collected to assess the current status of opioid deprescribing and appropriately implement best practices for pain management for older persons in long-term care homes.
Status: Completed


Project ID

2020-027/2021 0800 304 000

Contributing ICES Scientists