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North York General Hospital virtual emergency department evaluation



Project ID: 2022-002/ 2023 0950 136 000
Type of Response: Research project
Knowledge User: North York General Hospital
ICES Scientist: Lesley Plumptre
Summary: The information generated by this AHRQ will be used to inform policy and funding decisions regarding the broader implementation of virtual follow-up care after emergency department visits in Ontario. Recognizing that funding to support the pilot programs is temporary, the main goal is to evaluate these initiatives to help inform provincial policy decisions on how to best structure and support virtual follow-up care moving forward in a sustainable manner. The project seeks to determine where there are differences in healthcare utilization, healthcare costs and outcomes for patients using NYGHs virtual emergency department follow-up program compared to patients receiving usual post-discharge care following an emergency department visit?
Status: In progress


Project ID

2022-002/ 2023 0950 136 000

Contributing ICES Scientists