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HCU and costs of care between francophone and anglophone Ontarians



Project ID: 2021-007/2024 0901 411 000
Type of Response: Research project
Knowledge User: Ontario Health Teams
ICES Scientists: William Hogg, Lesley Plumptre
Summary: The language of the patient-provider interaction is an important factor in the quality of care and health outcomes. The research team aims to explore the differences in access to care, health service utilization and costs of care between francophone and anglophone Ontarians and factors associated with these outcomes among patients living in the Ottawa East Ontario Health Team catchment area. The team will also study whether French speaking patients are more likely to be diagnosed with Covid 19 than English patients, and if the physician-patient language discordance influences the quality of care and health outcomes of COVID-19. Results from this research will inform the government on the extent that the care is discordant from a language perspective and its impact including the cost for increased consultations, referrals to the emergency room and hospitalizations.
Status: In progress


Project ID


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