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Differences in healthcare utilization, costs and outcomes for patients using virtual urgent care services vs. ED visits



Project ID: 2020-053/ 2022 0950 117 000
Type of Response: Research project
Knowledge User: Virtual Urgent Care Provincial Evaluation Committee
ICES Scientists: Michael Paterson, Lesley Plumptre
Summary: The Ministry of Health supported an initiative of a pilot virtual urgent care program involving 8-16 settings across Ontario in response to Covid-19 pandemic. To evaluate the provincial virtual urgent care pilot program, the research team is investigating the differences in healthcare utilization, healthcare costs and outcomes among patients using virtual urgent care services compared to traditional in-person emergency department visits. The data will help inform provincial policy decisions and support a structured, sustainable expansion of virtual urgent care in Ontario.
Status: Completed


Project ID

2020-053/ 2022 0950 117 000

Contributing ICES Scientists