COVID-19 Laboratory Testing in Ontario: Patterns of Testing and Characteristics of Individuals Tested, as of April 30, 2020
This report provides COVID-19 testing status (tested, not tested, confirmed positive) at the provincial level and by public health unit in Ontario. Data are also available by sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, such as age, sex, long-term care residence and underlying health conditions.
For ongoing updates on the status of COVID-19 testing in Ontario, see the COVID-19 testing dashboard.
Chung H, Fung K, Ferreira-Legere LE, Chen B, Ishiguro L, Kalappa G, Gozdyra P, Campbell T, Paterson JM, Bronskill SE, Kwong JC, Guttmann A, Azimaee M, Vermeulen MJ, Schull MJ. May 2020.