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Hemodialysis vascular access creation in patients switching from peritoneal dialysis to hemodialysis: a population-based retrospective cohort


Frequently, PD is stopped due to resistant or recurrent peritonitis, inadequate clearance, concurrent illness, or lack of home support. Recent reports estimate that 10% to 30% of incident patients switch from PD to HD within the first year, and this patient cohort tends to have higher mortality versus those on PD therapy only. This may be associated with high catheter use, although this is unproven. Patients switching between modalities require regular follow-up for a smooth transition. Patterns of vascular access creation may be important benchmarks for this process of care.



Al-Jaishi AA, Jain AK, Garg AX, Zhang JC, Moist LM. Am J Kidney Dis. 2016; 67(5):813-6. Epub 2016 Jan 16.

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