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Primary Care in Ontario: ICES Atlas


This report describes the state of primary care health services in Ontario between 1992/93 and 2002/03, prior to the introduction of primary care reform initiatives in Ontario. Chapters 1-5 present trends in primary care for women during pregnancy, labour and childbirth; care of children; care provided to adults; and patterns in preventive healthcare. Chapters 6-10 describe how primary care services were provided to patients with congestive heart failure, cancer, respiratory diseases and mental health problems and to those from disadvantaged populations. Chapters 11 and 12 examine the supply of physicians providing primary care, their practice locations, workloads, services provided, and patient characteristics, as well as the factors which influence preventive, chronic and acute disease management in primary care.



Jaakkimainen L, Upshur REG, Klein-Geltink JE, Maaten S, Schultz SE, Leong A, Wang L, editors. November 2006

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