Constantine Douketis New Researcher Award
2019: Awarded to Dr. Aristithes Doumouras for the project "The effect of bariatric surgery on breast cancer incidence characteristics, outcomes and mortality" by The Research Institute of St. Joe's Hamilton.
Adjunct Scientist (Full Status) ICES McMaster Chronic Disease & Pharmacotherapy Research Program
Staff surgeon in minimally invasive and bariatric surgery at St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton, Dr. Doumouras has a passion for clinical research and brings a broad research background in bariatric, minimally invasive and endoscopic surgery highlighted by his CV. This includes more than 50 projects principally relating to surgical outcomes, geographic access and costs, with a track record of being published in high impact journals such as Annals of Surgery, JAMA Surgery and British Journal of Surgery. He has won several awards for presentations at national and international meetings including first prize at the Resident and Fellow Research Competition at SAGES 2018.
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