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ICES Scientists have a successful track record of peer-reviewed research grant awards. Browse our recent ICES Scientists grant highlights below.


The development of a tailored melanoma survivorship program in Ontario

Granting Agency
Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre Foundation (JHCCF)
Principal Investigators
Francescutti V, Look Hong N
Goldberg M, Lee L, Lounsbury J, McWhirter E, Pond G, Seow H, Shaw E, Wright F
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Nicotinamide chemoprevention for keratinocyte carcinoma in solid organ transplant recipients: a multicentre, pragmatic randomized trial

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Chan A, Kim SJ
Au S, Beecker J, Chih SS, Gill JS, Gourishankar S, Jafarian F, Johnston O, Kalia S, Knoll G, Lam N, Mydlarski PR, Ponzo MG, Rao J, Sapir-Pichhadze R, Singer LG, Tomlinson GA
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Improving outcomes across the cancer journey for adolescents and young adult with central nervous system tumours: the IMPACT-CNS cohort

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Bartels U, Das S, Gupta S
Baxter NN, Hawkins CE, Hodgson DC, Lim-Fat MJ, Nathan PC, Pole JD, Purzner T, Sutradhar R, Tsang D
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Expediting the drug approval process in oncology through access with evidence development schemes

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Heath A, Pechlivanoglou P
Beca JM, Chan KK, Lee K
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Physical, psychological, and functional late effects and healthcare use in survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer: a population-based study

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Gupta S
Baxter NN, Nathan PC, Pole JD, Srikanthan A, Sutradhar R, Yuan Y
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Development of a risk prediction tool for mortality after non-hepatic surgery in patients with cirrhosis

Granting Agency
AHSC AFP Innovation Fund
Principal Investigators
Nanji S
Bennett S, Flemming J, Groome P, Patel S
Grant Type
Innovation Fund
Grant Amount

Hepatitis C prenatal and postpartum linkage to care and treatment desires

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Biondi MJ, Feld JJ
Eastabrook GD, Elwood C, Flemming JA, Kushner T, Lyons LM, Mendlowitz AB
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on obstetrical care and maternal, perinatal and early childhood outcomes in Ontario

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Campbell DM, Simpson AN
Baxter NN, Snelgrove JW, Sutradhar R
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

An evaluation of patient reported outcomes, patterns of symptoms severity, survival and healthcare costs for neuroendocrine tumours (NETs)

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Hallett J
Coburn N, Davis LE, Earle CC, Gotlib Conn L, Herman J, Isenberg-Grzeda E, Law CH, Mahar AL, Mittmann N, Moody L, Myrehaug S, Singh S, Wright FC
Grant Type
Project Scheme Grant
Grant Amount

Improving palliative care in the home and community: building CAPACITI (Community Access to PAlliative Care via Interprofessional primary care Teams Intervention)

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Burge FI, Jakda A, Seow H
Barwich DB, Brouwers MC, Howard MI, Kelley ML, Kilbertus F, Kortes-Miller KM, Marshall D, Pond GR, Sinding C, Stajduhar KI, Urquhart RL, Winemaker S
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount