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ICES Scientists have a successful track record of peer-reviewed research grant awards. Browse our recent ICES Scientists grant highlights below.


A population-based analysis of the adverse effects and adherence of novel diabetes therapy in older persons with cardiovascular disease

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Jackevicius CA
Atzema CL, Austin PC, Booth GL, Ko D, Naimark DM, Stukel TA, Tu K, Udell JA
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Secondary prevention Community Heart Outcomes Improvement and Cholesterol Education (Secondary CHOICES) Study

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Udell JA
Abdel-Qadir H, Husam-Eldin M, Alloo J, Anderson TJ, Atzema CL, Austin PC, Bhatia RS, Booth GL, Chow C, Farkouh ME, Goodman SG, Ivers NM, Jackevicius CA, Johnston SE, Kapral MK, Ko D, Lee DS, Lindsay MP, Straus SE, Thompson W, Tobe SW, Tu K, Weisman A
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Stroke Metrics for quAlity, Reporting, and Translation in the implementation of EndoVascular Thrombectomy (SMART-EVT)

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Kapral MK, Yu AYX
Atzema C, Austin PC, Field T, Fralick M, Hill MD, Jin A, Krings T, Linkewich E, Mamdani M, Mandzia J, Silver F, Swartz R
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

A primary care online appointment scheduling platform for emergency departments: improving the care transition between emergency and primary care

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Atzema C
Austin P, Ivers N
Grant Type
Project Scheme grant
Grant Amount

The Ontario Holter/Echo database project 1: novel cardiac risk factors and stroke risk prediction

Granting Agency
Canadian Stroke Prevention Intervention Network
Principal Investigators
Edwards J, Gladstone D
Atzema C, Healey J, Mamdani M, Thorpe K
Grant Type
Research grant
Grant Amount

Increasing oral anticoagulation prescriptions in ED: proving the impact

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Atzema C
Austin P, Ivers N
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Follow-up care after a visit to the Emergency Department: assessing the impact in patients with chronic disease exacerbations

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Atzema C
Austin P, Lee D, Rochon P, Schull M, Yu B
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Addressing the frequency and timeliness of follow-up care after a visit to the emergency department in patients with chronic disease

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Atzema C
Ivers N, Schull M, Rochon P, Austin P, Lee D
Grant Type
Planning and Dissemination Grant
Grant Amount

Peripheral vertigo discharged from the emergency department: examining outcomes in the province of Ontario

Granting Agency
Physicians' Service Incorporated Foundation
Principal Investigators
Grewal K
Atzema C, Austin P, Kapral M
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Follow-up care after a visit to the Emergency Department: assessing the frequency and timeliness in patients with chronic cardiovascular diseases

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Atzema C
Austin P, Schull M, Lee D, Rochon P, Ivers N
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount