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ICES Scientists have a successful track record of peer-reviewed research grant awards. Browse our recent ICES Scientists grant highlights below.


Understanding and improving patient safety for older adults in retirement homes

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Backman C, Manuel D
Bonares M, Costa A, Dash D, Engel F, Fisher S, Fung S, Isenberg S, Johnston S, Karunananthan S, Kehoe MacLeod K, Kobewka D, Li W, Manis D, Maskerine C, Sinha S, Syrowatka A, Tanuseputro P, Wang T-F, Webber C
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Continuity of care at the end of life: describing patterns, experiences and outcomes and finding optimal ways to capture

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Howard MI, Isenberg SR
Downar J, Gallagher E, Hsu AT, Jones AT, Manuel DG, Tanuseputro P, Webber C
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Investigating the impact of cannabis retail policies on health harms and benefits

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Perlman CM, Pinto AD, Taljaard M, Tanuseputro P
Brown CR, Hobin EP, Manuel DG, Myran D, Wilson K
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Incidence and risk factors of inappropriate antibiotic prescribing and related adverse health outcomes among Ontario long-term care residents and marginalized older community-dwelling adults with COVID-19 (I-CARE)

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Daneman N, MacFadden DR, Maxwell CJ, Mishra S, Schwartz KL
Brooks JI, Bowdish DM, Bronskill SE, Burrows LL, Langford BJ, Leung E, Leung V, Manuel DG, McGeer AJ, Morris AM, Nott C, Raybardhan S, So M, Soucy J
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Health equity and the post COVID-19 condition

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Hawken S, Kendall C, Tanuseputro P
Bayoumi AM, Bloch G, Boucher LM, Dahrouge S, Funnell S, Hsu AT, Kiran T, Kitagawa K, Lofters AK, Manuel DG, Myran D, Ponka D, Rayner J, Shoemaker ES, Smith B, Wanigaratne S, Zygmunt AJ
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Connection to perinatal care for the management of maternal non-communicable diseases: the CONNECT Project

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
El-Chaar D, Fell DB
Corsi DJ, Dayan N, D’Souza RD, Edwards WJ, Guo Y, Hawken S, Keely EJ, Manuel DG, Muldoon KA, Pham-Huy A, Presseau J, Walker MC, Wen SW, Wise L
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Understanding and predicting long-term outcomes of older adults undergoing cancer surgery

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Coburn N, Hallet J
Chesney T, Davis LE, Gotlib Conn L, Haas B, Mahar AL, Manuel DG, Menjak IB, Wright FC, Zuk V
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Development and external validation of a personalized model to predict survival in esophageal cancer patients

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Coburn N
Compton CC, Darling GE, Davis LE, Decker KM, Gupta V, Hess K, Hsu AT, Kidane B, Mahar AL, Manuel DG, Ringash J, Turner DC
Grant Type
Operating Grant: Data Analysis Using Existing Databases and Cohorts
Grant Amount

Optimizing Canada’s Healthcare for REfugees (OCHRE)

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Glazier R, Guttmann A, Rayner J
Evans A, de Oliveira C, Isaranuwatchai W, Kurdyak P, Manuel D, Saunders N, Stukel T, Urquia M, Wiedmeyer H
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Physician care at the end of life: describing patterns of care and evaluating outcomes

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Howard M, Isenberg S, Tanuseputro P
Bronskill S, Downar J, Hsu A, Manuel D, Shadd J
Grant Type
Project Scheme Grant
Grant Amount