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ICES Scientists have a successful track record of peer-reviewed research grant awards. Browse our recent ICES Scientists grant highlights below.


The Surgical EQUITY initiative: establishing equitable access to surgery following the pandemic

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Chan T, Gomez Jaramillo D, Sankar A
Baxter NN, de Mestral C, Hwang SW, Irish JC, Sarhangian V, Simpson AN, Stukel TA, Urbach DR, Wijeysundera DN
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Homelessness counts

Granting Agency
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Principal Investigators
Booth R, Forchuk C
Gatez S, Hwang S, Lizotte D, Mackie C, Rayner J, Shariff S
Grant Amount

A randomized controlled trial of housing first for homeless people with mental illness: long-term outcomes

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Hwang S, Ocampo P, Stergiopoulos V
Bayoumi A, Goering P, Nisenbaum R, Tsemberis S
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Our health counts Toronto: developing a population based urban aboriginal cohort to assess and enhance individual, family, and community health and well-being

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Smylie J
Booth S, Bourgeois C, Wolfe S, Allan B, Firestone M, Fleiszer P, Gesink D, Glazier R, Howard H, Hwang S, Nisenbaum R, O’Campo P, Snyder M
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Mortality of people incarcerated in provincial facilities in Ontario: a 15 year retrospective cohort study

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Kouyoumdjian, F
Hwang S
Grant Type
Grant Amount