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ICES Scientists have a successful track record of peer-reviewed research grant awards. Browse our recent ICES Scientists grant highlights below.


Population based risk of mycobacterial diseases associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

Granting Agency
University of Toronto Department of Medicine
Principal Investigators
Brode S
Kwong J, Marras T, Stanbrook M
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

Safety immUnogenicity of COVID-19 vaCcines in systEmic immunE mediated inflammatory Diseases (SUCCEED)

Granting Agency
COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF)
Principal Investigators
Bernatsky S, Widdifield J
Avina-Zubieta A, Barnabe C, Boire G, Bowdish D, Chandran V, Colmegna I, Colwill K, Cook R, Durocher Y, Fortin P, Garner S, Gingras A, Haroon N, Hazlewood G, Hitchon C, Inman R, Kaplan G, Kuriya B, Kwong J, Lacaille D, Larché M, Marshall J, McGeer A, Nazy I, Piguet V, Rahman P, Silverberg M, Watts T, Wood H
Grant Type
Operating grant
Grant Amount

What impacts COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Métis Citizens in Ontario? A population-based data linkage study

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Cooke MJ
Chaurasia A, Edwards SA, Gonneville S, King KD, Kwong JC, Mecredy G, Walker J
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Teasing apart the differential impact of variants of concern on COVID-19 severity and health inequities: a population-based genomic epidemiological investigation in Ontario and British Columbia

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Hogan C, Irvine MA, Janjua NZ, Kwong JC, Mishra S, Sander BH, Sbihi H
Abdia Y, Baral SD, Brown KA, Buchan S, Daneman N, Galanis E, Gubbay JB, Hoang L, Jassem AN, Krajden M, Kustra R, Mubareka S, Murti M, Patel S, Prystajecky NA, Rose CL, Sekirov I, Smolina E, Tyson JR, Vanniyasingam T, Velásquez García HA
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Predictors and burden of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (long-COVID) with a focus on equity

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Janjua NZ, Kwong JC, Mishra S, Sander BH, Sbihi H
Chan A, Cheung AM, Greenberg A, Juando Prats C, Kustra R, Mac S, Moriarty TJ, Nacul L, Parsons JA, Rose CL
Grant Type
Operating Grant
Grant Amount

Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) Provincial Collaborative Network (PCN) COVID-19 Vaccine Post-Market Studies

Granting Agency
COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF)
Principal Investigators
MacDonald S, Kwong JC
Janjua N, Svenson L, Righolt C, Mahmud S, De Serres G, De Wals P
Grant Type
Team Grant
Grant Amount

Evaluating the differential impact of what we have done as we prioritize what to do next: a multi-provincial intervention modeling study using population-based data

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Mishra S, Janjua NZ, Katz A, Kwong JC, Maheu-Giroux M, Williamson T
Baral SD, Bogoch, I, Boily M, Brisson M, Buckeridge DL, Chan A, de Montigny S, Eastwood CA, Khan K, Krajden M, Kustra R, Mâsse BR, McGeer AJ, Otterstatter MC, Smylie JK, Wang L
Grant Type
COVID-19 Rapid Research Grant
Grant Amount

Improving Canadian Outcomes Research On the Novel SARS-CoV-2 using Analytics: the CORONA Consortium

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Lee DS, Mcalister FA
Khan NA, Krahn AD, Lindsay MP, Nagpal S, Zieroth SR, Abdel-Qadir HM, Austin PC, Bainey KR, Bakal JA, de Mestral C, Ezekowitz JA, Goodman SG, Greiner R, Ha AC, Jackevicius CA, Kapral MK, Kaul PR, Ko D, Kwong JC, Liu PP, Rochon PA, Roifman I, Ross HJ, Sandhu R, Schull MJ, Sun L, Udell JA, van Diepen S, Wang B, Welsh RC, Wijeysundera HC, Yu AYX
Grant Type
COVID-19 Rapid Research Grant
Grant Amount

Is Ontario prepared for the return of measles?

Granting Agency
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Principal Investigators
Bolotin S, Crowcroft NS
Brisson M, Deeks SL, Goneau LW, Halperin SA, Hatchette TF, Kwong JC, McLachlan E, Severini A, Wilson S
Grant Type
Project Grant
Grant Amount

The benefits of pneumococcal vaccination for seniors: a Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases interdisciplinary project on healthy aging and immunization science

Granting Agency
Connaught Fund
Principal Investigators
Brown A
Allin S, Crowcroft N, Deeks S, Fuller-Thomson E, Gibson J, Gray-Owen S, Gubby J, Kwong J, Philpott D, Rudzicz F, Sander B, Upshut R, Watts T, Wilson S
Grant Type
The Connaught Global Challenge Award
Grant Amount