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The value of hospital clinical data: current applications and future opportunities through data linkages


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When: Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12–1 p.m.

Where: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96157872297, Meeting ID: 961 5787 2297. Meeting password: 818247 *New log-in details*

Who: Fahad Razak MD MSc FRCPC; Internist, St Michael's Hospital; Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto; Research Scientist, Li Ka Shing Institute; Provincial Lead, Quality Improvement in General Internal Medicine, Ontario Health.

Co-presenters: Laura Rosella, PhD, MHSc; Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health; Canada Research Chair in Population Health Analytics; Senior Scientist, ICES; Site Director, ICES Toronto

Amol Verma, MD, MPhil, FRCPC; Assistant Professor, U of T; Clinician-Scientist, Unity Health Centre; Provincial Clinical Lead at Ontario Health (Quality)

Topic: The value of hospital clinical data: current applications and future opportunities through data linkages

Learning objectives

  1. Discuss the challenges in creating large clinical data repositories.
  2. Present a range of novel analytic applications levering this clinical database.
  3. Present the opportunities and considerations for linking hospital clinical databases with other linked health administrative datasets.
Fahad Razak

Fahad Razak

Laura Rosella

Laura Rosella

Amol Verma

Amol Verma


Contributing ICES Scientists

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