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CABG vs PCI in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy


Please join us …

When: Thursday, October 20, 2022, 12–1 p.m.

Where: Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82435258546, Meeting ID: 824 3525 8546. Meeting password: 1234 OR in person in G Wing, 1st Floor (Linton Boardroom)

Who: Stephen Fremes, MD, M.Sc., FRCSC, FACP, FACC; Professor, Department of Surgery (Cardiac), University of Toronto; Staff, Cardiac surgery, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Scientist, ECS, Sunnybrook Research Institute

Topic: CABG vs PCI in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy

Learning Objectives:

  1. Evidence supporting revascularization in patients with LV dysfunction
  2. Learn about the STICH3C trial
  3. Learn about the STICH3.0 Collaborative
Stephen Fremes

Stephen Fremes


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