Anticoagulant use and discontinuation in patients receiving home palliative care
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When: Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 12–1 p.m.
Where: Join Zoom Meeting, Meeting ID: 961 5787 2297. Meeting password: 818247
Who: Nicolas Chin-Yee, MD, FRCPC; Palliative Care Physician, St. Michael's Hospital; MSc Clin Epi (c), IHPME, University of Toronto
Topic: Anticoagulant use and discontinuation in patients receiving home palliative care
Learning objectives
- Describe anticoagulant use in patients immediately prior to and after the initiation of physician-based home palliative care
- Evaluate the sociodemographic, clinical and healthcare provider factors associated with early anticoagulant discontinuation following the initiation of home palliative care
- Explore, in this population, the subsequent clinical and healthcare outcomes in those who continued vs. discontinued anticoagulants
Nicolas Chin-Yee