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Photo of David Savage

David Savage

Affiliate Scientist ICES North Site Director
Primary Care & Health Systems Research Program


Dr. David Savage is an assistant professor at NOSM University, an emergency physician and research director at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. He is also the site director at ICES North. He is a graduate of NOSM University having completed his MD, family medicine and emergency medicine training in northern Ontario. David also has a PhD from the University of Toronto where he trained in systems modelling and decision making. He is an external adjunct faculty member in the Department of Computer Science at Lakehead University where he co-supervises graduate students working on healthcare related research using data analytics techniques including AI and machine learning. David’s research is focused on emergency department flow, health human resource planning and rural health.

  • PhD, systems modelling and decision making, University of Toronto
  • MD, NOSM University
  • CCFP, Emergency Medicine, NOSM University
  • Emergency care
  • Rural
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Health services research
  • Health human resources
  • Emergency Physician, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
  • Assistant Professor, NOSM University
  • External Adjunct Professor, Department of Computer Science, Lakehead University

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