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A descriptive analysis of two mobile crisis programs for clients with severe mental illness


Purpose — To describe cases seen by two Mobile Crisis Programs (MCPs) for individuals with severe mental illnesses. Focus is on client characteristics, mental health status, interventions, referrals, and immediate outcomes.

Methods — Data were collected retrospectively through a chart review of clinical record forms and accompanying progress notes for cases seen by the MCPs over a one-year period. A total of 981 cases were included in the study. Data were analyzed using descriptive and bivariate statistics.

Results — Most cases involved clients who were female (60.2%), single (55.8%), living at home (56.8%), unemployed (85.6%), and between 20 and 44 years of age (44.5%). The two programs varied on a number of factors related to the demographic profile and mental health needs of the different geographical regions in which they are located.

Conclusions — Findings highlight the need for further research into how MCPs can be integrated with related mental health services in offering clients the least intrusive and most efficient services.



Ferris LE, De Siato C, Sandercock J, Williams JI, Shulman KI; Working Group. Can J Publ Health. 2003; 94(3):233-7.

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