Raisa Deber has lectured, mentored, published and consulted on health policy at local, provincial, national and international levels. She was selected as an expert by the Health Evidence Network of Canada (EvidenceNetwork.ca). Professor Deber's current research centers on Canadian health policy. Projects, conducted with colleagues and students, include implications of the distribution of health expenditures and public/private roles for financing and delivery of health services; the implications of different ways of financing primary healthcare; examination of where nurses and other health professionals work and the factors associated with differential "stickiness" across sub-sectors; issues associated with the movement of care from hospitals to home and community; and approaches to accountability.
In 2009, Professor Deber received one of Canada's most prestigious lectureships, the Emmett Hall Memorial Lectureship. It recognizes outstanding contributions to the health ideals articulated by Justice Hall: equity, fairness, justice and efficiency. She was elected as a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in 2012.