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Health concerns and health service utilization in a population cohort of young adults with autism spectrum disorder


Individuals with autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) have many health needs that place demands on the
health service sector. This study used administrative data to
compare health profiles in young adults 18–24 years of age
with ASD to peers with and without other developmental
disability. Young adults with ASD were more likely to have
almost all the examined clinical health issues and health
service use indicators compared to peers without developmental
disability. They were more likely to have at least
one psychiatric diagnosis, and visit the family physician,
pediatrician, psychiatrist, and emergency department for
psychiatric reasons, compared to peers with developmental
disability. Planning for the mental healthcare of transition
age adults with ASD is an important priority for health



Weiss JA, Isaacs B, Diepstra H, Wilton AS, Brown HK, McGarry C, Lunsky Y. J Autism Dev Disord. 2018; 48(1):36-44. Epub 2017 Sep 13.

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