Excellence in Academics Award
2018: Awarded to Dr. Phillip Blanchette by the Oncology Department, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University.
Adjunct Scientist (Full Status) ICES Western Cancer Research Program
Dr. Blanchette received his MD from the University of Ottawa and post-graduate training in internal medicine and medical oncology at the University of Toronto. Thereafter, Dr. Blanchette completed a specialized breast cancer fellowship at the Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre. He also completed a MSc in clinical epidemiology and healthcare research at The Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. Dr. Blanchette’s clinical and research expertise is in breast and lung cancer. He is a medical oncologist at the London Regional Cancer Program and an assistant professor of oncology at Western Univerisity. His research specializes in health services research focusing of cancer clinical outcomes, health equity and drug safety. Dr. Blanchette is an active member of Cancer Care Ontario's clinical practice guideline and drug advisory committees for breast cancer.
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