Lorna Jocelyn Wood Chair for Kidney Research
2022-2027: Dr. Gregory Hundemer appointed as the first Lorna Jocelyn Wood Chair for Kidney Research at The Ottawa Hospital.
Adjunct Scientist ICES uOttawa Kidney, Dialysis & Transplantation Research Program
Greg Hundemer MD, MPH is a staff nephrologist at the Ottawa Hospital, an assistant professor of medicine with a cross-appointment in the School of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Ottawa, and an associate scientist at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. Dr. Hundemer completed his internal medicine and nephrology training at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital. His clinical and research interests focus on hypertension and chronic kidney disease. His research has been funded by the CIHR, NIH, Kidney Foundation of Canada, Lorna Jocelyn Wood Chair in Kidney Research, and KRESCENT New Investigator Award.
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