Donald Redelmeier, a senior scientist at ICES, received his medical degree from the University of Toronto in 1984. He completed postgraduate training in internal medicine and obtained a master's degree in health services research as a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar at Stanford University in 1989. His research spans a variety of areas, emphasizing the psychology of medical decision-making and the epidemiology of motor vehicle trauma. Dr. Redelmeier has published over 200 articles in the scientific medical literature. Some of his notable papers include “Association between cellular-telephone calls and motor vehicle collisions” (N Engl J Med 1997), “Survival in Academy Award-winning actors and actresses” (Ann Intern Med 2001), and “Physician warnings for unfit drivers and the risk of trauma from a road crash” (N Engl J Med 2012). Dr. Redelmeier serves as Canada Research Chair in Medical Decision Sciences; professor of medicine at the University of Toronto; director of clinical epidemiology at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; and staff physician in the Division of General Internal Medicine at Sunnybrook Hospital.