Project ID: 2023-023/ 2024 0950 112 001
Project Title: Assault injury and maltreatment events
Type of Response: Research report of technical brief
Knowledge User: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
ICES Scientists: Lesley Plumptre, Clare Atzema
Summary: This AHRQ is being proposed to understand trends in annual counts and rates of emergency department visits and hospitalizations related to assault and maltreatment, by sex, age category and geography, between 2017 and 2023. A previous AHRQ explored these rates up until September 2020. This AHRQ will explore more recent trends. The research evidence will be reviewed by senior management at MCCSS and inter-ministerial partners to inform policy, planning, and decision-making on preventing gender-based violence and enhancing supports to victims, survivors, underserved populations, and populations most at risk of experiencing gender-based violence.
Status: In progress