Dr. Dhenuka Radhakrishnan graduated from medical school at the University of Toronto in 2002, and completed her pediatrics residency and respirology fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children in 2008. While working as a pediatric respirologist at the Hospital for Sick Children, and at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Toronto, she gained a Master’s in clinical epidemiology from the University of Toronto. She was appointed to the Department of Pediatrics at Western University, London, Ontario in 2010 and led the development of a multidisciplinary pediatric asthma program at the Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre. She joined the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, and University of Ottawa in 2015. Her clinical interests include the care of children with airways diseases, including asthma and cystic fibrosis. She is an advocate for lung health in children and is an executive member of the Ontario Thoracic Society. She is active in the development of guidelines, workshops and continuing education seminars nationally and through the Ontario Lung Association to improve care providers’ ability to manage childhood asthma. Dr. Radhakrishnan’s research involves the use of health administrative data at ICES to investigate the incidence, risk factors and outcomes of children with asthma and other respiratory diseases.