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Network effects, PPE shortages, and other key factors in the spread of COVID-19 in Ontario healthcare workers



Project ID: 2020-011/2021 0950 082 000
Type of Response: Research project
Knowledge User: Ontario Medical Association
ICES Scientists: Lesley Plumptre
Summary: To assess COVID-19 outbreaks among physician and patient networks, the Ontario Medical Association will conduct analyses on the impact of physician personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages in the province. Certain demographic and individual characteristics on physicians in Ontario will be collected for the purposes of examining how the risk of physicians and their patients contracting COVID-19 varies with the availability of PPE. Eventual research evidence will be shared with major stakeholders and used for future planning of PPE reserves and the development of policies surrounding the appropriate use and conservation of PPE.
Status: In progress


Project ID

2020-011/2021 0950 082 000

Contributing ICES Scientists