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Maternal health outcomes after pregnancy-associated stroke: a population-based study with 19 years of follow-up


Background — Pregnancy-associated stroke carries high short-term morbidity and mortality, but data on subsequent maternal outcomes are limited. We evaluated long-term maternal health outcomes after pregnancy-associated stroke.

Methods — In this retrospective cohort study, we used administrative data to identify pregnant adults aged ≤49 years with stroke between 2002-2020 in Ontario, Canada and 2 comparison groups: (1) non-pregnant female patients with stroke and (2) pregnant patients without stroke. Patients who survived the index admission were followed until 2021. After propensity score matching, we used Cox regression with a robust variance estimator to compare pregnant patients with stroke and the 2 comparison groups for the composite outcome of death and all-cause non-pregnancy readmission. Where proportional hazard assumption was not met, we reported time-varying hazard ratios (HR) with 95% CIs by modeling the log-hazard ratio as a function of time using restricted cubic splines.

Results — We identified 217 pregnant patients with stroke, 7604 non-pregnant patients with stroke, and 1 496 256 pregnant patients without stroke. Of the 202 pregnant patients with stroke who survived the index stroke admission, 41.6% (6.8 per 100 person-years) subsequently died or were readmitted during follow-up. Median follow-up times were 5 years (pregnancy-associated stroke), 3 years (non-pregnant stroke), and 8 years (pregnant without stroke). Pregnant patients with stroke had a lower hazard of death and all-cause readmission compared with non-pregnant patients with stroke at 1-year follow-up (HR, 0.64 [95% CI, 0.44–0.94]), but this association did not persist during longer-term follow-up. Conversely, pregnant patients with stroke had higher hazard of death and readmission compared with pregnant patients without stroke at 1-year follow-up (HR, 5.70 [95% CI, 3.04–10.66]), and this association persisted for a decade.

Conclusions — Stroke during pregnancy is associated with long-term health consequences. It is essential to transition care postpartum to primary or specialty care to optimize vascular health.



Yu AYX, Nerenberg KA, Diong C, Fang J, Chu A, Kapral MK, Edwards JD, Dancey SR, Austin PC, Auger N. Stroke. 2023; 54(2):337-44. Epub 2023 Jan 23.

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