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A $4.9 Billion Decrease in Healthcare Expenditure: The Ten-Year Impact of Improving Smoking, Alcohol, Diet and Physical Activity in Ontario


This report describes the proportion of Ontario adults at risk for four health behaviours — smoking, unhealthy alcohol consumption, poor diet and physical inactivity — and estimates the impact of these behaviours and socioeconomic position on total healthcare costs, as well as healthcare costs in three sectors: hospital care, community care and prescription drugs.

The researchers have created an online calculator to help Ontarians estimate their life expectancy and direct healthcare costs based on their habits and lifestyle choices.



Manuel DG, Perez R, Bennett C, Laporte A, Wilton AS, Gandhi S, Yates EA, Henry DA. April 2016


Dr. Doug Manuel discusses his report which found that unhealthy behaviours and socioeconomic barriers together contribute to 37 per cent of Ontario’s healthcare costs.

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